25+ Fun and Simple Laravel Project Ideas for Beginners

buy college essay
4 min readOct 10, 2023

Are you a budding web developer eager to dive into the world of Laravel? Laravel, a popular PHP framework, is known for its simplicity and elegance, making it an excellent choice for beginners. It allows you to build robust and scalable web applications while minimizing the steep learning curve. To help you get started on your Laravel journey, we’ve curated a list of 25+ easy Laravel project ideas that are perfect for beginners.

Why Choose Laravel for Your Projects?

Before we jump into the project ideas, let’s quickly explore why Laravel is an excellent choice for beginners:

Elegant Syntax: Laravel’s expressive and clean syntax makes it easier to read and write code, making it perfect for those new to web development.

Active Community: Laravel has a vibrant community that offers extensive documentation and support, helping beginners get unstuck quickly.

Built-in Features: It comes with a range of built-in features like authentication, routing, and ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) to simplify development.

Security: Laravel takes security seriously, with features like CSRF protection, SQL injection prevention, and more, ensuring your applications are safe.

Now, let’s explore some exciting Laravel project ideas to get you started:

1. Personal Blog

Create a simple personal blog where you can write and publish articles. This project will introduce you to Laravel’s routing and database capabilities.

2. Task Management App

Build a task management application where users can create, update, and delete tasks. This project will teach you about CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations in Laravel.

3. To-Do List

Develop a to-do list application with features like adding tasks, setting deadlines, and marking tasks as complete. This project is excellent for learning forms and validation.

4. Contact Management System

Create a contact management system that allows users to store and manage their contacts. This project will help you understand database relationships in Laravel.

5. Simple E-commerce Store

Build a basic e-commerce store where users can view products, add them to the cart, and place orders. This project will introduce you to the concept of sessions and working with data.

6. Weather App

Develop a weather application that fetches weather data from an API and displays it to users based on their location. This project will teach you about API integration.

7. Blog with User Authentication

Enhance your personal blog project by adding user authentication. Users can create accounts, log in, and leave comments on your articles.

8. URL Shortener

Create a URL shortener application that converts long URLs into short, easy-to-share links. This project will delve into URL routing and validation.

9. Recipe Book

Build a digital recipe book where users can add, edit, and delete recipes. You’ll gain experience in handling file uploads for recipe images.

10. Polling App

Develop a polling application where users can create and participate in polls. This project will involve creating dynamic forms and handling user input.

11. Chat Application

Build a real-time chat application that allows users to send and receive messages instantly. This project will introduce you to WebSockets and event broadcasting in Laravel.

12. Blog API

Create a RESTful API for your personal blog, allowing other developers to access and interact with your blog’s data programmatically.

13. Simple CMS

Build a basic Content Management System (CMS) where users can create and manage pages with text and images.

14. Portfolio Website

Design and develop your portfolio website using Laravel to showcase your skills and projects.

15. Task Scheduler

Develop a task scheduler application that allows users to schedule and manage tasks at specific times and dates.

16. Quiz App

Create a quiz application with multiple-choice questions. Users can answer questions and receive scores at the end.

17. News Aggregator

Build a news aggregator that fetches news articles from various sources and displays them in one place.

18. Movie Database

Develop a movie database where users can search for movies, view details, and rate them.

19. Social Media Dashboard

Create a simple social media dashboard that aggregates data from multiple social platforms.

20. Recipe Sharing Platform

Build a platform where users can share their favorite recipes, rate recipes, and leave reviews.

21. Blog Analytics

Enhance your personal blog by adding analytics features that track article views, user engagement, and more.

22. URL Bookmarking

Develop a URL bookmarking application that allows users to save and categorize their favorite websites.

23. Event Management

Create an event management system where users can create, manage, and RSVP to events.

24. Job Board

Build a job board platform where companies can post job listings, and job seekers can apply for positions.

25. Music Player

Create a simple music player that allows users to upload and play music files.

26. Contactless Menu

Build a contactless menu application for restaurants, allowing customers to view menus on their smartphones.

27. Blog Comment System

Enhance your blog by implementing a robust comment system, including features like nested comments and upvoting.


Whichever project you choose from this list, you’ll gain valuable experience in Laravel and web development while having fun in the process. Don’t be afraid to explore additional features and functionalities to make your projects even more impressive.

Remember, the key to becoming a proficient Laravel developer is practice and continuous learning. Start with these easy project ideas, and as you become more confident, you can tackle more complex projects and even contribute to the Laravel community.

Happy coding and best of luck with your Laravel journey!

